Have you ever seen a magnificent building, with many intricate shapes but beautiful designs, a bridge that is miles away but has been sturdy for many years, or even seen a family home built?
All the works you can see today standing on the ground are not a coincidence, or a natural process, but rather the result of the hard work of the skilled hands of man. From Design to construction, so far the development of buying and selling cannot be separated from the cooperation of real estate agents.
Buildings that seem complicated in their design are done by people who are experts and those who work on it and are commonly calling contractor services. One of the contractor services that you can know is a building contractor Bali
A contractor can be defined as a person or individual, legal entity, or business entity employed to carry out a work project that can be goods, services, or labor.
This work project is formalized in a contract and agreed between the contracting agent and the service provider depending on the expertise of the intervention field.
The contract itself has the function of setting limits on the type of work, what to do, the cost and time of workmanship. So that in this discussion will focus on construction contractors such as building contractors Bali.
Since the concept of the contractor covers a wide field, it is necessary to group it into many specializations in order for the contractor’s work to be effective and achieve the goals. The Construction Services Development Institute (LPJK) has identified six types of contractor specializations.
Types of Specialist Contractor Fields Today
1. Architect
Architectural contractors are people who cooperate with architecture, except a design, they are also involved in the construction, construction, and maintenance of buildings.
2. Electricity
Commercial buildings and large buildings inevitably require large electrical energy and of course the parties working there are more focused on the design and installation of grids and power grids, communications, power plants, emergency power supplies and lighting systems.
3. Mechanic
Mechanical engineering itself focuses on installations such as elevators, escalators, piping systems, building cooling systems (AIR CONDITIONERS), and oil and gas flows.
4. Civil
This civil sector focuses on the work of public infrastructure contractors, such as roads, toll roads, airports, railway stations, which play a role in maintenance services, property, and building demolition.
5. Environmental management
Entrepreneurs in the field of environmental management who carry out activities related to nature preservation, sewage cleaning, and treatment arrangements, air quality regulation, drinking water supply, and other greening activities.
6. Public Works
This section covers all development tasks, from planning to construction, which is also commonly referred to as design and construction.
Building Contractor Work Steps
The selection of building contractor Bali services in development planning is very important. Because starting from planning to construction design, finance, to determining the period of completion of a project is certainly not desired by the owner of the building. In this case the services of a building contractor are the right people to choose, then what is the scope of work of this construction contractor? ?
Building contractors usually provide design services, the main step is to discuss with the building owner, conduct a land survey by looking at the condition of the location, the design will be in accordance with the needs and budget of the owner from the exterior to the interior.
In addition, the construction contractor will be responsible for the construction and materials, before digging the foundation, the contractor must clean the soil, level the soil if necessary, after the ground is ready. Then continue with the construction of the foundation until the work is completed.
The completed building is also the responsibility of the building contractor, if the contractor is involved in renovation or restoration work. Renovation of internal facilities and houses is also included in the contractor’s work area, but of course if it is outlined in the agreed contract, if there are changes at the end of the contract, it can be negotiated.
The renovation itself can be done by the construction section that is also building the same building or the new construction part that is starting the renovation, it’s just that the process can take time, because they will definitely investigate the structure of the building first.
This is the introduction around building contractors, if you need a building contractor Bali service for house construction and others you can use Contractor Architect Bali.